Business Runs as Fast as Your Network

Many small and medium-sized business owners underestimate the impact network performance and reliability have on productivity.

A network assessment provides visibility and insight into your technical environment and can be used to discover what is causing interference in your network, using bandwidth, or causing congestion.


  • Establish a baseline of network performance to identify changes signalling potential problems or threats
  • Identify where problems may arise in the future and take action to avoid business interruption
  • Identify and document the hardware, software, and applications that make up your entire network for ease of troubleshooting and maintenance

Eliminate Operational Bottlenecks

Proactive network assessments can help you identify issues early on and address them before they become widespread problems. Eliminate the worry about your underperforming network with a network assessment and green-light a strategy to optimize its performance for business gain.

Network Assessments

60 Minutes To Diagnose a WiFi
Problem and Fix It

– NetworkWolrd

How it Works

We’ll conduct a discovery meeting to understand your particular business technology requirements and concerns. We’ll next schedule a technical specialist to visit your location(s) and conduct a network assessment to scan your infrastructure with our non-invasive tools and processes to identify internal and external network performance issues and potential problems, as well as identify and document all of your network infrastructure devices, applications and services.

Once we’ve collected this information, we’ll analyze it to develop a strategy to improve the network performance of your infrastructure, devices, platforms and services, and continuously monitor your systems for rapid network degradation detection.

Discovery Meeting


Network Assessment


Remediation Plan

Remediation Plan
Ongoing Monitoring

Pain Points Solved

  • Identify and Document Network Assets
    Identifying and documenting your core infrastructure servers, routers, switches and firewalls as well as your user computing devices provides a complete picture of your network’s choke points
  • Establish A Network Performance Baseline
    Understanding your current network performance or baseline is the first step in designing an improvement strategy
  • Remediate Performance Issues
    Prioritizing and eliminating performance bottlenecks will deliver noticeable improvement in staff efficiency and productivity
  • Proactively Monitor Network Performance
    Ongoing network performance monitoring will provide early detection of future congestion or failures

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Implementation Timeline

Once we’ve agreed to engage, a network discovery meeting can be scheduled within 2 weeks. Following our discovery meeting, we’ll be able to schedule an onsite network assessment within the following week. For a typical small office location, our onsite network assessments can usually be completed in a day.

It will take us approximately a week to analyze the information gathered during the discovery meeting and the network assessment. We’ll be able to meet with you the following week to deliver our findings and recommendations.

Discovery Meeting

1. Week 1

Network Assessment

2. Week 2

Remediation Plan
and Ongoing Monitoring

3. Week 3

Backup & Disaster Recovery

White Paper

Our Importance of Network Assessments whitepaper explores the many advantages of engaging with an enterprise-level technology firm to address your network performance needs.

  • What is a Network Assessment?
  • Streamlining Network Resources
  • Assessing Network Bottlenecks and Failures
  • Understanding Network Vulnerabilities
  • The True Cost of Underperforming Networks

Questions about Network Assessments?